Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Scholarly Article #1

In this scholarly article about how writing has evolved over time, I learned more about the beginnings of writing systems and how they evolved until today. The article talked about how in early societies as people began to create crafts and become more creative, at around that same time was when they started to write. I found it interesting that humans have pretty much always had an inherent need to express themselves. Putting thoughts into words has been popular since it began and writing's import has created an evolution over time. Today there is a constant stream of new ways to express ourselves through text, technology, and the internet. So where we are today is because of those who lived thousands and thousands of years ago and their need to express themselves.


  1. I really liked the track you took with the article. That humans have "always had an inherent need to express themselves", makes me feel better about all the anti-Millennials rhetoric that gets thrown around. Ha, would it be safe to say that cave drawings were the first attempt at Instagram?

    So, one of the points you made was that "writing's import has created an evolution over time". I think I disagree with that. After our discussion in class, I'd say that writing evolved as a symptom of changing social structure. Once more bands of people met, they needed ways to communicate and exchange goods. It would be interesting to find more definite answers either way.

  2. Hi Brittany,

    I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Reid's article.

    I like how you highlighted the evolution of writing systems (and their materiality) over time. On a separate note, your point about 'putting thoughts into words has been popular since it began' just reminded me of Plato's Phaedrus, where the act of writing was lambasted multiple times because the process of Memory and the presence of TRUTH had been diminished. Nothing to do with writing's cognitive development but still an interesting perspective indeed!

    Keep blogging!

    Dr. B

  3. All responses recorded. ~Dr. B (sgd)
