Friday, August 26, 2016

Digital Literacy Autobiography

All of my computer knowledge began because of my dad; he received a Bachelor of Arts in Electronic Engineering Technology and his jobs have involved computers since around the time I was born. I first learned to use a computer when I was about four years old. At that time my favorite thing was to play a computer game that prepared kids for kindergarten. I'm not sure when I first learned to use the internet. That knowledge came as I got older and learned more. Social media sites didn't interest me in the beginning even though I grew up around computers. The first social media website I joined was Facebook. My cousin convinced me to join when she and I were staying at our grandparent's house over Thanksgiving break in 2009, my sophomore year in high school.

Getting supplementary online support can help me in this course and other courses because the information accessible on the internet is almost limitless. The good thing about that support is it can help me to learn new information and succeed in my classes. The bad thing is the possibility of using the information to pass a class and not learning anything or even using the internet to cheat. To minimize the bad and maximize the good I can focus on learning and succeeding.


  1. Hi Brittany,

    Thank you for sharing your digital literacy autobiography. What an interesting account of your first forays with computers and social media (via FB)!! I liked the fact that you are aware of the advantages/disadvantages of online access and hopefully, we will learn more about its usability in tandem with multimedia writing after this semester -- not only as applied to the academe but also in the industry for professional development.

    Keep up the good work,
    Dr. B

  2. All responses recorded. ~Dr. B (sgd)
